What If Google and Bing Waged a Search War and Nobody Noticed?
For Most People, Search Is Just Search
Google is going to win the war for audience love and ad revenue.…
BP Buys 'Oil' Search Terms to Redirect Users to Official Company Website    ÂÂ
Be careful where you click, especially if you're looking for news on the BP oil spill.
BP, the…
Get whiter teeth! Special discount for alumni!
Hasn't social-media-audience targeting gotten better than that? How helpful are social relationships when it comes to targeting? Will ads be the answer for Twitter,…
After Google Bowl 2010, What Next?
Google's first foray into the world of televised marketing has been the talk of the town since its appearance. The "Parisian Love" spot on…
Sample articles from Kevin Ryan on iMedia:
5 can't-miss SEO trends Published: March 15 2010 | SEO Dramatic shifts have occurred in the search field, but the fundamentals of good…
Sample Articles from Kevin Ryan on Search Engine Watch:
Build a Better Cesspool
Traditional media troops are pitted against the burgeoning voice of populace publishing. What's search's role in today's publishing (2…
Web searches benefit from some human help
BACK in the early days of the World Wide Web, users could consult a directory of servers personally compiled by its creator, Tim…
Kevin Ryan is one of the most wry of our industry's kingpins. Well connected, well intentioned and a well spring of knowledge, I sit down with Kevin at the Ad:Tech…
Stop In-House SEO Disasters Now!
The central focus of many SEO efforts is reaching the right people with the right information at the right time. Third-party search engine marketing firms, many…
SMX East: Assessing The Googleopoly
Good, bad, or nonexistent
Google's big and getting bigger, as firms like comScore and Hitwise can confirm.'Then there's its pending deal with Yahoo to consider.' So a…
WebTrends tackles ‘search ad wastage’
WebTrends has launched a new tool designed to help clients minimise wastage on their search advertising campaigns.
The web analytics and marketing company estimates that large…
Advertising With New Media with Kevin Ryan
It works. Do it. Now.
Question: Is advertising in the Yellow Pages book still of any value? Should I replace my listing in the Yellow…