I’m happy to report Ad:Tech NY lived up the to the lead up press and let’s just say I wasn’t disappointed. During the event, Ad:Tech staffers conducted some thought leadership interviews with all kinds of people including some agency folks like me. It was a great discussion (if I do say so myself) and we touched some of my favorite topics.
- What my firm does and how I got here (obligatory self promotion)
- Yet another phrase coined by yours truly (the “Pitch and Ditch”)
- My super awesome swelling “perennial” book (Taking Down Goliath)
- What you should expect from an agency and dispelled myths (you get what you pay for)
- Where the industry is headed (not good folks, not good, here’s the op-ed I wrote for iMedia and referenced)
Also some comedy in which Lori refers to me as “fabulous” and a “historic figure.” Have a listen and drop me a line if you want to dive deeper into any of this stuff.
This article was originally published on LinkedIn.com