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Cooler Insights: Taking Down Goliath: Digital Marketing 101

How can small businesses compete against 800-pound-gorillas? What can they do to gain a foothold in the hearts and minds of consumers?

Well, Kevin M Ryan and Rob “Spider” Graham purports that digital marketing and online advertising is the answer. Targeted at small and medium sized businesses, their book Taking Down Goliath acts as a 101 guide to the world of digital marketing, covering topics like email marketing, online advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), social media, mobile marketing and more.

Touting itself as providing “digital marketing strategies for beating competitors with 100 times your spending power”, Taking Down Goliath is roughly divided into three sections.

We are first given an overview of the digital advertising world as well as techniques used in planning online campaigns. Next, the book digs into the different digital advertising options. This is concluded by an appendix interviewing “Davids” – individuals who championed digital marketing in smaller challenger businesses.

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